Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What about the music?

Greeting once more! Today I'd like to tackle a subject that holds a great unspoken importance to myself - Music. Before we continue, this is not a discussion of video game music (though I'm sure some will make its way into the conversation), this is more of a glimpse into the constant soundtrack running behind my life. I need music, I don't think about it often but every activity I undertake simply must be accompanied by music - driving, playing games, writing, cooking dinner, doing laundry, walking, running, you name it I need a soundtrack to it. Someone who spends ridiculous amounts of time discovering new music (*cough* me) has more power in their hands than they may at first could have imagined.

If you'll allow to me to wax philosophical for a brief moment, as little as I know about the actual creation of music (as I have absolutely no talent in the field...except for making playlists) I do know one thing. Knowing yourself through music that ignites emotions inside you opens doors you never thought possible to pass through, how you may ask. I'll do my best to illuminate you on my opinions of my age old friend and long time muse - music.

Before I can truly dive into my opinions, it is worth mentioning that even though there are some types of music I truly despise hearing (my apologies Country fans) I still consider each and every genre to be music. The constant back and forth battle of "does a having a band vs. not having a band matter" has no right answer. There are artists in both categories that I adore that I also feel are talented musicians. Oh right, I should be posting what I'm listening to as I write this I believe.

Aussie hip/hop - that's right. Bliss N Eso, if you haven't listened to them you are most certainly missing out. I've grown weary of modern day hip-hop consisting of only streams of curse words and threats of violence. Bliss N Eso actually have a "bad reputation" for being "too positive." How this is a problem or why it would detract from their listeners is beyond me.

This is definitely a strange post for me to write, talking about music is something I rarely ever do - it simply has been with me throughout my life and has always held the same grave importance. I'm not going to create a list of my favorite bands, or even attempt some fumbling attempt at a top ten list - it would be impossible. My "favorite band" has evolved with me as I've grown. What I will do however is continue posting the tracks running behind this blog post as I go along - it is worth mentioning that this playlist is one I recently put together out of a rough timeline if my tastes as I've grown up. Our first track comes to you from the heady days of middle school.

Yeah I listened to Limp Bizkit, and yeah I loved Limp Bizkit. Hell I saw them in concert with Metallica (another long time favorite) - no shame. Every piece of music has a special place - for example, heading into a soccer game against my school's rival team with Break Stuff blasting in my headphones completely changed how I mentally entered the game. Therein lies the power of music, while it is certainly possible for a particular track to change how you feel in the moment - to me the most important quality lies within music's ability to augment what you are currently feeling and act as a source of power to fuel that desired emotion. Track change!

Incubus still holds the record of the band that I considered to be my "favorite" for the longest time. This track is also my only musically oriented tattoo (for now). My listening habits also tend to be far different from others, I attribute this to my natural interest in writing. My first few listens to a song always have me focusing on what the lyrics are, around the 3rd or 4th listen I allow the actual instruments/electronic equipment to seep in and give the words more punch. If your lyrics don't at least entertain me I can't finish the song - hence my problem with most Top 40 music today. I love the lyrics in almost every single Incubus song, they have recently fallen from my listening pool in recent years but they provided me with years of beautiful music that  I will never forget.

Enter early-mid high school.

I suppose now it is easier to see where all of the cross-pollination between genres showed up within my music taste. From Alternative, Indie, Hip Hop, Metal, to almost any genre you can come up with - you'll most likely find that I've dipped my toes into their respective pools and why shouldn't I?

Someone who is learning to draw is pushed to increase their "visual library" (basically all of the things you've seen stored in your brain) by traveling, taking in the sights, and then bringing to bear your new knowledge to make yourself a better artist. The same thing goes for a writer, you need to read astronomical amounts along side writing in order to fully round yourself out and have inspiration to pull from in those tough moments where the words just won't come to you. I can't help it, I'm going to go off on a tangent quickly and post one of my current favorite songs.

For me, every song is a key. Each key is useful for opening a specific door, and obviously not all keys will fit in every lock you run into. However, if you do enough searching and dig through enough rubble you will find that when you look down at your once bare keychain that it will be full of glistening metallic tools all waiting to help you get through whatever obstacles you may encounter. From little things to sitting in traffic or going for a walk, or to the more serious such as dealing with the passing of a loved one, or moving to a completely new state - music is always there with me. When I run into that door that simply will not budge and forces me to freeze in place unsure of what to do - all I need realize is that the key is already with me and when we attack the problem in unison there is no barrier that can stand in my way.

Recently my first story was picked up for publishing (something I am absolutely over the moon about that I will go into more detail later), as soon as I heard the news (besides telling my lovely fiance / friends / family) was to blast all of the songs that helped me through the times when I was sure that I was going to fail as a writer. My strength combined with the tracks that helped inspire me to write and to continue writing regardless of how fruitless it felt allowed me to reach the place that I am today. A place where I fully believe in myself as a writer, and as someone who is no longer afraid they are going to finish their book. Before I depart for the afternoon/evening I'd love to share with you the current playlist that has been giving my novel life. Talk to you all again soon!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Is this thing on?

Shock, surprise, and awe! I have once more returned from under whatever bridge I have been sleeping under lately. It has been a while, far too long in fact. I hope everything has been alright with you all - I myself have been absurdly busy. My activities of late range from getting robbed, having my car broken into, moving to a new state soon, getting engaged to the perfect woman, and most recently becoming a published author. I'll be able to expand more on the final event once things have progressed further.

These events cast a wide net, from the downright deplorable to the amazing - and I can't actually say I'd rather have it any other way. Now that something I've written will actually stretch past the walls of this little blog I've decided resuscitate my beloved blog and continue my ramblings for those that are interested. I'm not sure what I want this space to be still...I may tell stories, talk about movies, discuss video games, rant about the absurd - who knows. Writing everyday and in varied forms is what is important however, and if my yammering happens to stir interest in someone else then all the better!

In my spare time I've been split between a variety of television shows and various video games. Now, before I go on - since it has been I while and maybe some of you will be new, everything I say is definitely only my opinion. There are no statues of me declaring my will law (yet), and I am open to all forms of discussion. Back to what I was talking about, that time I said writing in video games was better than television. Oh wait, that was just now.

Now now, I don't watch every single show on television - in fact far from it. My viewing list is often a mixed bag - most recently it includes; The Leftovers (HBO Drama), True Blood (HBO Giant Piece of Garbage), Kill la Kill (Anime), Breaking Bad (AMC, when I'm in the mood to be depressed), Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX etc.), and finally Doctor Who (BBC).  Looking over this list I'm almost reticent to back up what I have already said (except for the one dumpster among them). I must have seen every single episode of Always Sunny about (and I'm not lying) 50 times - something about the show allows it to be ceaselessly funny to me. Breaking Bad is of course amazing and highly lauded, though it does weigh heavily on the mind. The rest are amazing as well, NOT YOU True Blood, and deserve to be commended - but my love of well written video games is still stronger...I'll try to explain.

Pictured above is TellTale's rendition of the famous franchise first spawned from comics, The Walking Dead. It's graphics are not stellar, the animations are even a bit clunky at times, and actual game play is pretty sparse. Yet, as each new episode comes out I find myself frothing at the mouth barely able to contain my excitement. There are few games that will swindle me into the whole "Season Pass" schpeel, but Walking Dead is one of them. In my humble opinion, in comparison to the show, the game is the superior choice (except for maybe the comic books) when it comes to wanting to experience The Walking Dead.

The first game sees you following Lee through the beginning of the zombie apocalypse through an adventure that would mentally test anyone to their limits. The game is not full of pop out scares, button mashing combat, or over the top gore (though this is still present, it's The Walking Dead after all). What it is full of is some of the best character development in any medium that I've seen in years. If you have a computer capable of playing games (the requirements for TellTale's games aren't too bad to handle) I'd highly recommend the title. Instead of chopping through zombies (which you will do now and then) the game is more about how you respond in conversations. You are given four, or sometimes fewer, responses to whichever situation Lee finds himself in. As the game progresses your choices effect what happens, people will die and live by your choices. By the end of the final chapter in the first season you will be on edge of your seat, the characters by this point will be your friends and no matter what - not everyone is going to make it.

Following closely on The Walking Dead's heels comes another project by TellTale, The Wolf Among Us. Another to spawn from the comic book world, The Wolf Among Us takes the comic Fables and treads down a new storyline. Men and monsters alike have been pushed out of their fairytale world by a being known as The Adversary and the fantastical beings are forced to live in modern day New York City. Everyone gets a new start in the gritty real world, the game follows Bigby Wolf (AKA the Big Bad Wolf) as the sheriff of Fabletown attempting to solve a deadly case. Much like the walking dead you are building your character through conversation and progressing the story by digging out whatever facts you can and coming up with the best options when things go wrong (and they will).

A television show, while many are still amazing, simply does not provide the immersion of a title such as those listed above. Your actions do not directly impact how the story will play out or how someone will grow as a person - you are merely a spectator. You may have your heart strings pulled, but someone's (albeit virtual) life is never actually in your hands. Video games are slowly becoming the way to tell a truly emotionally impacting story. If you don't trust me, give one of the chapters to either of the above titles a try. If you  really don't want more, then alright you win this round. I have yet to meet someone (video game player or not) who has not enjoyed both.

Ahhhhhh, not bad for a warmup I suppose! I'll be back regularly with more musings, drawings, reviews, and what have you!